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Charles Vlasov
Charles Vlasov

Sultan Səncər və qarı: Nizami Gəncəvi's Masterpiece of Persian Literature and Art

Nizami Gəncəvi: Sultan Səncər və qarı

Nizami Gəncəvi is one of the most celebrated poets of Azerbaijan and the Persian-speaking world. His masterpiece, Xamsa (The Quintet), consists of five long narrative poems that explore various aspects of human life, such as love, heroism, wisdom, and justice. One of these poems is Sultan Səncər və qarı (Sultan Sanjar and the Slave Girl), which tells the story of a powerful ruler who falls in love with a humble slave girl and learns valuable lessons from her. In this article, we will examine the historical and cultural context, the plot and themes, and the artistic features and achievements of this remarkable poem by Nizami Gəncəvi.

nizami gencevi sultan sencer ve qari


Who was Nizami Gencevi?

Nizami Gencevi was born in 1141 in Ganja, a city in present-day Azerbaijan that was then part of the Eldenizids dynasty, a branch of the Seljuk Empire. He was a poet, writer, philosopher, and scholar who wrote in Persian, the literary language of his time. He was well-versed in various fields of knowledge, such as history, geography, astronomy, mathematics, medicine, theology, and mysticism. He was also familiar with the oral and written traditions of different cultures, such as Arabic, Turkish, Greek, Indian, and Chinese. He spent most of his life in Ganja, where he composed his works and enjoyed the patronage of local rulers and nobles.

What is Sultan Sencer ve qari?

Sultan Sencer ve qari is one of the five poems that make up Nizami's Xamsa. It is based on a historical episode that took place in the 12th century during the reign of Sultan Sanjar, the last great ruler of the Seljuk Empire. According to Nizami's version, Sultan Sanjar was once hunting in a forest when he encountered a group of slave traders who had captured a beautiful girl from Khwarezm. He bought her for a thousand dinars and took her to his palace. There he fell in love with her and married her. However, their happiness was short-lived, as the girl soon fell ill and died. Sultan Sanjar was devastated by her loss and built a magnificent mausoleum for her. He also ordered that every year on her death anniversary, a thousand candles should be lit in her memory.

Why is it important?

Sultan Sencer ve qari is not only a romantic tale but also a moral allegory and a philosophical treatise. It shows how love can transform a person's character and outlook on life. It also illustrates how human beings are subject to fate and fortune, and how they should cope with them with patience and wisdom. It also contains many references to Islamic teachings and values, as well as to ancient Greek philosophy and mythology. It is a rich and complex work that reflects Nizami's erudition and creativity.

Main body

The historical and cultural context of Sultan Sencer ve qari

The Eldenizids dynasty and the Seljuk Empire

Nizami lived during a turbulent period in the history of Azerbaijan and Iran. The Seljuk Empire, which had dominated most of the Middle East and Central Asia since the 11th century, was in decline by the 12th century. It faced internal divisions and external threats from various enemies, such as the Crusaders, the Mongols, the Khwarezmians, and the Assassins. The Eldenizids dynasty was one of the branches of the Seljuk Empire that ruled over Azerbaijan and Arran (present-day Republic of Azerbaijan) from 1136 to 1225. They were originally Turkic nomads who had converted to Islam and served as military commanders under the Seljuk sultans. They gradually gained autonomy and power in their region until they became independent rulers. They were patrons of culture and arts, especially poetry. They supported Nizami's work and gave him gifts and honors.

The literary influences of Nizami Gencevi

Nizami was influenced by various literary sources and traditions in his work. He drew inspiration from both oral and written forms of literature. He used stories from pre-Islamic Iranian legends, such as Shahnameh (The Book of Kings) by Ferdowsi; stories from Islamic history and theology, such as Qisas al-Anbiya (Stories of the Prophets) by al-Tha'labi; stories from Arabic literature, such as Kalila wa Dimna (Fables) by Ibn al-Muqaffa; stories from Turkish literature, such as Dede Korkut (The Book of Dede Korkut); stories from Indian literature, such as Pancatantra (Five Principles) by Vishnu Sharma; stories from Greek literature, such as Metamorphoses (Transformations) by Ovid; stories from Chinese literature, such as Romance of Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong; stories from Jewish literature, such as Sefer ha-Yashar (The Book of Jasher); stories from Christian literature, such as Legenda Aurea (Golden Legend) by Jacobus de Voragine; stories from Persian mysticism, such as Mathnawi (Couplets) by Rumi; stories from Persian ethics, such as Gulistan (The Rose Garden) by Saadi; stories from Persian romance, such as Vis o Ramin (Vis and Ramin) by Fakhruddin As'ad Gurgani; stories from Persian satire, such as Akhlaq-i Nasiri (Nasirean Ethics) by Nasir al-Din Tusi; stories from Persian history, such as Tarikh-i Bayhaqi (The History of Bayhaq) by Abu'l-Fazl Bayhaqi; stories from Persian geography, such as Hudud al-'Alam (The Regions of the World) by an anonymous author; stories from Persian astronomy, such as Zij-i Ilkhani (The Ilkhanid Tables) by Nasir al-Din Tusi; stories from Persian mathematics, such as Risala fi'l-Jabr wa'l-Muqabala (Treatise on Algebra) by Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi; stories from Persian medicine, such as Qanun fi'l-Tibb (The Canon of Medicine) by Ibn Sina; stories from Persian philosophy, such as Kitab al-Shifa' (The Book of Healing) by Ibn Sina; stories from Persian poetry, such as Divan-i Shams-i Tabrizi (The Collected Poems of Shams-i Tabrizi) by Rumi.

The plot and themes of Sultan Sencer ve qari

The love story of Sultan Sanjar and the slave girl

The main plot of Sultan Sanjar ve qari is a love story between a powerful ruler and a humble slave girl. Sultan Sanjar is depicted as a wise and just king who has expanded his empire and defeated his enemies. He is respected and admired by his subjects and allies. However, he is also lonely and unhappy. He has no wife or children to share his life with. He spends his time hunting and fighting wars. One day, he meets a beautiful slave girl who has been captured by some traders from Khware attracted by her beauty and innocence. He decides to buy her for a thousand dinars and take her to his palace. There he treats her kindly and gently, and soon they fall in love with each other. He marries her and makes her his queen. He also gives her a name: Qutlugh Turkan (meaning 'the fortunate Turkish lady'). They live happily together for a while, enjoying each other's company and sharing their thoughts and feelings.

The moral lessons and philosophical insights of Nizami Gəncəvi

However, their love story is not without challenges and tragedies. The slave girl falls ill with a mysterious disease that no doctor can cure. She suffers from fever, pain, and delirium. She also has a recurring dream of a black bird that comes to take her away. She tells Sultan Sanjar about her dream and asks him to pray for her. Sultan Sanjar is deeply worried and distressed by her condition. He tries everything to save her, but nothing works. He also prays fervently to God, asking for mercy and forgiveness. He wonders why this calamity has befallen him, and what he has done wrong to deserve it.

Nizami Gəncəvi uses this situation to convey some moral lessons and philosophical insights to his readers. He shows how Sultan Sanjar learns from his experience of love and loss. He learns to appreciate the value of life and the fragility of happiness. He learns to be humble and grateful for what he has, and not to be arrogant or greedy for what he does not have. He learns to trust in God's wisdom and will, and not to question or complain about his fate. He learns to be compassionate and generous to others, especially the poor and the needy. He learns to be faithful and loyal to his beloved, even after her death.

The artistic features and achievements of Sultan Səncər və qarı

The use of language and imagery by Nizami Gəncəvi

Nizami Gəncəvi is widely regarded as one of the greatest masters of Persian language and literature. He demonstrates his skill and talent in Sultan Səncər və qarı by using various linguistic devices and poetic techniques to create a vivid and captivating narration. He uses rhyme, rhythm, meter, alliteration, assonance, consonance, simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, irony, symbolism, allegory, paradox, antithesis, oxymoron, pun, anaphora, epiphora, parallelism, chiasmus, apostrophe, rhetorical question, etc. He also uses different forms of speech, such as dialogue, monologue, soliloquy, letter, sermon, prayer, etc. He also uses different registers and styles of language, such as formal, informal, colloquial, poetic, prosaic, etc. He also uses different sources and references of language, such as Quranic, Biblical, mythological, historical, geographical, scientific, etc.

The impact and legacy of Sultan Səncər və qarı

Sultan Səncər və qarı is one of the most influential and popular works of Nizami Gəncəvi. It has been admired and praised by many scholars and poets throughout history. It has been translated and adapted into many languages and cultures. It has inspired and influenced many other works of literature and art. It has also contributed to the preservation and promotion of the cultural heritage and identity of Azerbaijan and Iran.


Summary of the main points

In conclusion, Sultan Səncər və qarı is a masterpiece of Persian literature by Nizami Gəncəvi. It is a romantic tale, a moral allegory, and a philosophical treatise. It is set in the historical and cultural context of the 12th century Seljuk Empire. It tells the story of Sultan Sanjar, a powerful ruler who falls in love with a slave girl from Khwarezm. He marries her and makes her his queen, but she soon dies from a mysterious illness. He mourns for her and builds a mausoleum for her. He also learns many lessons from his experience of love and loss.

Final remarks and recommendations

Sultan Səncər və qarı is a work that deserves to be read and appreciated by anyone who is interested in Persian literature, culture, history, or philosophy. It is a work that offers many insights into human nature, emotions, values, beliefs, and behaviors. It is a work that appeals to both the heart and the mind of the reader. It is a work that enriches the soul and enlightens the spirit of the reader.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article about Sultan Səncər və qarı by Nizami Gencevi. If you want to learn more about this poem or other works by Nizami Gencevi , I recommend you to visit the following websites:

- (in Azerbaijani) - (in English) - (in English) - (in English) Thank you for your attention and interest.

**Table 3: FAQs** Q A --- --- Who was Nizami Gencevi? Nizami Gencevi was a poet , writer , philosopher , and scholar who wrote in Persian , the literary language of his time . He was born in 1141 in Ganja , a city in present-day Azerbaijan that was then part of the Eldenizids dynasty , a branch of the Seljuk Empire . He was well-versed in various fields of knowledge , such as history , geography , astronomy , mathematics , medicine , theology , and mysticism . He was also familiar with the oral and written traditions of different cultures , such as Arabic , Turkish , Greek , Indian , and Chinese . He spent most of his life in Ganja , where he composed his works and enjoyed the patronage of local rulers and nobles . What is Sultan Sencer ve qari? Sultan Sencer ve qari is one of the five poems that make up Nizami's Xamsa . It is based on a historical episode that took place in the 12th century during the reign of Sultan Sanjar , the last great ruler of the Seljuk Empire . According to Nizami's version , Sultan Sanjar was once hunting in a forest when he encountered a group of slave traders who had captured a beautiful girl from Khwarezm . He bought her for a thousand dinars and took her to his palace . There he fell in love with her and married her . However , their happiness was short-lived , as the girl soon fell ill and died . Sultan Sanjar was devastated by her loss and built a magnificent mausoleum for her . He also ordered that every year on her death anniversary , a thousand candles should be lit in her memory . Why is it important? Sultan Sencer ve qari is not only a romantic tale but also a moral allegory and a philosophical treatise . It shows how love can transform a person's character and outlook on life . It also illustrates how human beings are subject to fate and fortune , and how they should cope with them with patience and wisdom . It also contains many references to Islamic teachings and values , as well as to ancient Greek philosophy and mythology . It is a rich and complex work that reflects Nizami's erudition and creativity . How did Nizami use language and imagery in his poem? Nizami demonstrated his skill and talent in Sultan Sencer ve qari by using various linguistic devices and poetic techniques to create a vivid and captivating narration. He used rhyme, rhythm, meter, alliteration, assonance, consonance, simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, irony, symbolism, allegory, paradox, antithesis, oxymoron, pun, anaphora, epiphora, parallelism, chiasmus, apostrophe, rhetorical question, etc. He also used different forms of speech, such as dialogue, monologue, soliloquy, letter, sermon, prayer, etc. He also used different registers and styles of language, such as formal, informal, colloquial, poetic, prosaic, etc. He also used different sources and references of language, such as Quranic, Biblical, mythological, historical, geographical, scientific, etc.

**Table 3: FAQs (continued)** Q A --- --- What was the impact and legacy of Sultan Sencer ve qari? Sultan Sencer ve qari was one of the most influential and popular works of Nizami Gencevi. It has been admired and praised by many scholars and poets throughout history. It has been translated and adapted into many languages and cultures. It has inspired and influenced many other works of literature and art. It has also contributed to the preservation and promotion of the cultural heritage and identity of Azerbaijan and Iran. How can I read Sultan Sencer ve qari? You can read Sultan Sencer ve qari online or in print. There are many editions and translations available in different languages. You can also listen to audio recordings or watch video adaptations of the poem. You can also visit the mausoleum of Sultan Sanjar and the slave girl in Merv, Turkmenistan, where you can see the thousand candles that are lit every year in their memory. What are some other works by Nizami Gencevi? Nizami Gencevi wrote four other poems that make up his Xamsa: Sirlər xəzinəsi (The Treasury of Mysteries), Xosrov və Şirin (Khosrow and Shirin), Leyli və Məcnun (Layla and Majnun), and İsgəndərnamə (The Book of Alexander). He also wrote a collection of lyrical poems called Divan-i Nizami (The Collected Poems of Nizami). He also wrote some prose works, such as Makhzan al-Asrar (The Storehouse of Secrets), a treatise on ethics and mysticism.


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