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Charles Vlasov
Charles Vlasov

Watch Battery Equivalent BETTER

The watch battery cross reference chart or also know as the button battery cross reference chart is easy to use. Find the brand of your battery, then follow it down your battery model. The equivalent battery will be at the beginning of that row. Click on the blue link to go to your battery options and purchase your replacement. For example, if you are looking for a watch battery replacement for your watch, and it was a Maxell SR626SW, you would scroll down the Maxell column until you found the part. Then at the beginning of the row you see what your SR626SW battery equivalent was a 377. The rows are highlighted across for easy reading.

watch battery equivalent

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Wrist watches are commonly powered using one or rarely two button/coin cell batteries, and these batteries have a limited operating lifetime. When replacing an old battery with the new one, the best practice is to use batteries recommended by the watch manufacturers.

However, finding the exact type and model can be sometimes confusing due to the different labels some battery brands are using for their batteries. Also, using silver-oxide instead of alkaline batteries can prolong the watch operating time on a single battery.

The actual capacity depends on the cut-off voltage of the used watch. Wrist watches often require constant and relatively high voltage, making the nominal capacity of these batteries rather low - such a device will require new replacement batteries rather quickly. If alkaline batteries are used in devices that tolerate low battery voltage, then nominal capacity is larger, since such a device will not require new batteries soon.

Silver Oxide: Silver-oxide button/coin cell batteries are the most popular type of wrist watch batteries - they are not expensive, often have a shelf life of 10 or more years, they have very constant voltage during operation, which is very similar to the nominal voltage of alkaline batteries (1.55 V vs 1.50 V).

The most common silver-oxide wrist watch batteries are SR626SW (SW - Silver, Watch) battery, but other batteries are used as well, like SR920SW, SR616SW, SR916SW, SR621, SR416SW, SR521SW, SR721SW, etc.

SR626SW watch battery is a coin-cell silver-oxide battery featuring physical dimensions of (D x H) 6.8 x 2.6 mm. Its nominal voltage is 1.55 volts, a nominal capacity is 25-27 mAh and the cutoff voltage is 1.2 volts.

Like all watch batteries, the actual capacity and runtime of the SR626SW battery depend on the constant current drain, average temperature, maximum and minimum temperature, the cutoff voltage of the device being powered by this battery, battery age, etc.

When compared with LR626 battery, an alkaline 6.8 x 2.6 mm coin-cell battery, SR626SW features more stable voltage, larger capacity (25-27 vs 15-17 mAh), higher cutoff voltage (1.2 vs 1.0 volts), longer shelf life (5-7+ years vs 3-5 years), etc.

As one can see, both silver-oxide and alkaline 6.8 x 2.6 mm batteries share some of the labels - if You want a silver-oxide battery for your watch (and you should go for a silver-oxide battery), the package of the battery must clearly state that the battery is silver-oxide battery.

The actual capacity and runtime of the SR920SW battery depend on the constant current drain, pulse current drain, average temperature, battery age, maximum and minimum temperature, the cutoff voltage of the device being powered by this battery, etc.

For example, Energizer 370/371 battery (Energizer 370/371 Battery Datasheet PDF) features a nominal capacity of 34 mAh when the battery is being discharged over 33kΩ at 21C. Also, the battery features a self-discharge rate of

When compared with an alkaline 9.5 x 2.1 mm LR920 coin-cell battery, SR920SW features more stable voltage, larger capacity (35-55 vs 25-30 mAh), higher cutoff voltage (1.2 vs 0.9-1.0 volts), longer shelf life (5-7+ years vs 3-5 years), etc.

As one can see, both silver-oxide and alkaline 9.5 x 2.1 mm batteries share some of the labels - if You want a silver-oxide battery for your watch (and you should go for a silver-oxide battery), the package of the battery must clearly state that the battery is a silver-oxide battery.

Manganese-dioxide lithium batteries' labels start with 'C' and generally their operating temperature range is between -20C (-4F) and 70C (158F). The nominal voltage is 3.0 V, and a cutoff voltage is 2.0 V. Typical example is the CR2032 battery, with a typical capacity of 225 mAh

Carbon-monofluoride lithium batteries' labels start with 'B' and generally their operating temperature range is -30C (-22F) and 85C (185F). The nominal voltage is 2.8 V, and a cutoff voltage is 2.25 V. Typical example is the BR2032 battery, with a typical capacity of 190 mAh.

The nominal capacity of rechargeable lithium button/coin cell batteries is lower than non-rechargeable CR or BR batteries, but they can be charged and discharged many times (up to or even more than 1000 times). Their most common label is LiR#### and nominal voltage is 3.6 or 3.7 volts, however, there are also rechargeable 3.0 volts VL series (Vanadium Lithium rechargeable battery), 3.0 volts ML series (Manganese Lithium rechargeable battery), etc.

Personally, if you have a watch that uses lithium batteries, go for a good CR#### battery since it has a much higher capacity. Also, BR#### are a good choice if you need your watch to operate in extreme temperature conditions.

Again, actual capacity depends on the application, watch use, temperature and similar - if You have a wrist watch with an alarm, LED lights, and similar, the use of such features can significantly shorten the runtime of the battery.

CR1216 can be replaced with a BR1216 battery (carbon-monofluoride lithium battery) which features a slightly lower, but more stable voltage, and lower discharge current - hence, the BR1216 battery should NOT be used with watches that feature an alarm, LED lights, and similar features.

CR2016 battery feature a nominal voltage of 3.0V, a cutoff voltage of 2.0V, a typical capacity of 90 mAh, a maximum continuous discharge current of 1 mA, a nominal continuous discharge current of 0.1 mA, and a maximum pulse current usually in the 5 mA and 15 mAh range.

- BR2016 battery is a Carbon-Monofluoride Lithium battery, with a nominal voltage of 3.0V, a cutoff voltage of 2.0V, a nominal capacity of 60-75 mAh, with a nominal discharge current of "only" 0.03 mA (30 μA).

- LiR2016 battery is a rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery with a nominal voltage of 3.6-3.7 volts, a cutoff voltage of 2.7-3.0V, and a typical capacity of 20-25 mAh, with some models supporting 500+ charging/recharging cycles.

Cobalt Titanium Lithium button/coin cell batteries, for short "CTL" batteries, are rechargeable type of watch batteries that are also often labeled as 'capacitors' or 'accumulators' and are used to power wrist watches with some sort of recharging system, including automatic watches, solar watches and similar.

Note: when first automatic/solar watches appeared on the market a long time ago, they actually had little capacitors and not the batteries to store the charge - hence, rechargeable watch batteries are still sometimes referred to as 'capacitors' and not batteries.

Note: rechargeable CR batteries (this is sort of the wrong statement, since CR batteries are not rechargeable batteries at all, but in order to simplify few things, we use the term 'rechargeable CR batteries') are often labeled as LiR or ML batteries (for example, rechargeable CR2032 is actually LiR2032 or ML2032 battery) and they feature a nominal voltage of 3.0 volts (ML batteries) or 3.6 - 3.7 volts (LiR batteries). Never use ML or LiR battery instead of CTL battery and vice-versa! ML and LiR rechargeable batteries are not commonly used in wrist watches - they are mostly used as memory backup batteries, in communication devices, PCs, medical devices, etc.

Note: we use Panasonic CTL batteries as examples because they are often a default choice of many solar watch manufacturers, they perform well and can be easily found at various online shops. Also, Panasonic CTL920F battery (or sometimes CTL920A) is a 'CTL920' battery.

CTL batteries can come with or without tabs. Obviously, those without tabs are easier to replace at home, however, if You are not sure what needs to be done and how, do yourself a favor and take the watch to the watch repair shop and let them replace the battery for You.

MT batteries feature a nominal voltage of 1.5 volts, a cutoff voltage of approximately 1.2 volts, while capacity depends on the battery size, drain conditions, number of charging/discharging cycles, and similar.

- mechanical watches use spring to keep the watch mechanism running. Once the spring tension is fully gone, the watch stops - that is why older wrist watches needed their mechanisms (springs) rewound on a daily basis.

On the other hand, watch capacitors, while being charged, store the charge itself onto the two parallel electrodes insulated from each other. When the battery capacitor is being discharged, the charge is simply discharged and used to power the watch.

First of all, when replacing a watch battery, if You are not sure how to do it, don't do it - take your watch to the repair shop and let them check the watch and replace the battery. After all, if the watch has stopped working, maybe it is not a battery issue ...

A new watch battery should be chosen according to the watch manufacturer's recommendations. If your old battery was an alkaline battery and your watch supports the use of silver-oxide batteries, go for silver-oxide battery. Alkaline batteries are somewhat cheaper, but the end price difference is almost negligible.

Find the watch Owner's Guide (manual, instructions), check the required battery size, model, type, chemistry and find out how to replace the battery - some manufacturers provide detailed written instructions, some provide YouTube videos, and some even insist that the watch MUST be taken to the licensed watch repair shop.


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